Sunday, November 01, 2009

Flash back

I thought it would be fun to put Enoch's one month pictures up right next to his 15 month, so you can really see the difference. Everyday that passes I lose my baby just a little more. I know that I am supposed to just enjoy each moment but there is always a sadness for me, that my children will never be as they are right now. They change and grow, and my babies just slip away from me. Don't get me wrong, everyday is more fun and he only gets cuter...I don't know really how to explain it, but for me motherhood is so bitter sweet.


Patrick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

Sorry- that last comment I just deleted because my brother Patrick had been on my computer, so it looked like he left the comment. Anyway- what I said was that your pics are so cute. I love the one with the monkeys, and I agree with you- I love/hate watching my babies grow up!